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2008.9-2014.3  南京航空航天大学  光学工程专业   工学博士(提前攻博生)

2004.9-2008.6  南京航空航天大学  应用物理学专业  理学学士


2014.4-2023.1 黄山学院 信息工程学院      

2023.3-至今 无锡学院 电子信息工程学院


[1] 主持安徽省教育厅高校自然科学一般研究项目:宇称时间对称非线性超材料中的孤子动力学研究(KJHS2018B01),已结项。

[2] 参与安徽省教育厅高校自然科学重点研究项目:太赫兹波段石墨烯超材料的电磁诱导透明机理及实现技术研究(KJ2018A0407)(排名第三)。

[3] 参与安徽省教育厅高校自然科学重点研究项目:基于介质超表面的折射率型光学传感器关键技术研究(KJ2019A0608) (排名第三)。

[4] 参与国家自然科学基金青年基金: 高电荷态多电子离子光电离及退激过程中精细动力学参数的理论研究(11804112)(排名第四)。

[5] 参与安徽省自然科学基金青年基金: 高电荷态离子光复合过程中精细动力学参数的理论研究(1808085QA22)(排名第五)。

[6] 参与省级重点教研项目:应用型本科院校光电信息科学与工程专业建设的探索(2016jyxm0974)。


[1]Zhu Yuan#, Yunji Meng#, Weiliang Ma, Runkun Chen, Tao Wang, and Peining Li, Near-field mapping of complex-valued wavevectors of in-plane hyperbolic phonon polaritons in ɑ-MoO3, Applied Physics Letter, 120, 131105(2022)(共同一作).

[2]Yunji Meng, Youwen Liu, and Haijiang Lv, Trajectory engineering via a space-fractional Schrödinger equation with dynamic linear index potential, Chinese. Physics. B 29, 054201(2020).

[3]Yunji Meng, Renxia Ning, Kun Ma, Zheng Jiao, and Youwen Liu, Self-splitting of spatial solitons in a nonlinear fractional Schrödinger equation with a longitudinal potential barrier, Optics Communication 440, 68-74(2019).

[4]Yunji Meng, Renxia Ning, Kun Ma, Zheng Jiao, Haijiang Lv, and Youwen Liu, Defect solitons supported by nonlinear fractional Schrödinger equation with a defective lattice, Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials 28, 1950021 (2019).

[5]Yunji Meng, Youwen Liu, Defect solitons in two-dimensional optical Bessel potentials, Chinese Optics Letter,12(Suppl.), S11902(2014).

[6]Yunji Meng, Youwen Liu, Power-dependent shaping of solitons in PT-symmetric potentials with spatially modulated nonlinearity, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 30, 1148-1153 (2013) (SCI)。

[7]Yunji Meng, Youwen Liu, Surface defect solitons at the interface between simple lattices and superlattices with spatially modulated nonlinearities, Optics Communication, 133-140 (2013)(SCI)。

[8]Yunji Meng, Youwen Liu, Solitons supported by defects of PT-invariant potentials with real part of dual-frequency lattices, Optics Communication 285, 4523-4530(2012) (SCI)。

[9]Yunji Meng, Youwen Liu, Yuhuang Tang, Surface defect gap solitons in two-dimensional optical lattices, Chinese. Physics. B 21, 074206(2012) (SCI)。

[10]Yunji Meng, Youwen Liu, Mingjun Zhu, Peining Li, Electro-optic modulation on nonlinear phase shift and fundamental transmission in quasi-phase-matched second-harmonic generation, Optics Communication 283, 2234-2237(2010)(SCI)

[11]Yang Zheng, Yunji Meng, Youwen Liu, Solitons in Gaussian potentials with spatially modulated nonlinearity, Optics Communication 315, 63-68(2014).

[12]Renxia Ning, Jie Bao, Yunji Meng, and Zhenhai Chen, Wideband reciprocity tunable electromagnetically induced transparency in complementary graphene metasurface, Journal of optics, 21, 045106 (2019).

[13]Kun Ma, Yunji Meng, and Zhanbing Chen, Angular distribution of Auger electron following photoionization in Xe atom, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 244, 146980(2020).

[14]Xinguang Hu, Cheng Zeng, Jinsong Xia, and Yunji Meng, A compact design for narrowband optical absorber based on surface plasmon polaritons, Applied Physics Express, 14, 015002(2020).

[15]Peining Li, Youwen Liu, Yunji Meng, Electrically controlled multifrequency ferroelectric cloak, Optics Express 18, 12646-12652(2010) (SCI).

[16]Peining Li, Youwen Liu, Yunji Meng, Mingjun Zhu,A frequency-tunable cloak with semiconducting constituents, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 43, 175404 (2010).  (SCI).

[17]Peining Li, Youwen Liu, Yunji Meng, Mingjun Zhu,Frequency-tunable superconducting cloaking, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 43,485401 (2010).

[18]Peining Li, Youwen Liu, Yunji Meng, Mingjun Zhu,A multifrequency cloak with a single shell of negative index metamaterial, Chinese. Physics. Letter 28, 064206(2012) .


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